Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5392 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2014, 05:39:00 PM »
entertaining the idea of stories

the positive the negative kind


two steps removed kind

one takes a backward seat and employs the

given narratives expenditure

as the related articulae

this would seem to a glance

the part is to cover the other part

in its dramatic overthrow

i want to be able to tell a story

a good

without the glamourizing tinsel related drama encountering

a reason to stand back from it in fear of being

narrated the glamour ponies own eye

if you see the point

its about sensationalising the ability to present

rational and confident examples shining tinsel

to the melodramatic emanationic

squeakie bubbles

a crystal shop

in a small country town

characters some out of the woodwork

how else would you expect that the crystals get to amplify the oncoming scene

i sit at a coffee shop and eat some pasta

wearing the dark zippered front warm garment i bought from across the road

the people are warm and open minded

the young girl is pregnant

my car is parked out the front and i admire what i perceive the great lines

the joy of the winding road and most beautifu ferny cold climate forest

which usually holds its color when all else has turned green

i flew away in that place

where the climbing tower stands on that hill

and those warm open minded people came and went back

no doubt to open and closed type fires

holding local timber

and their co operatives

the butterflies on those dis used train lines

how everybody did enjoy the warmth

the story in my mind felt different there too

large trees


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2014, 06:29:00 PM »
ears thrum drumming

pressure something entered through an emotion

at least it was the emotion that could be sensed

in the chest like

somebody was there

yet nobody was there

 a river bridge

moluscs and clouds in the distance

stormy chest

in the distance the horizons color

too far away

for this day

just riding the emotion

the blue water of the river comes and goes

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2014, 09:13:25 PM »
Simon, can you tell us a little about your world?
Are you in a relationship - kids etc? How is work - do you drive?
Forgive me if you have already told this, but so much has been on my mind, I haven't been able to retain much of later.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2014, 09:37:43 PM »
and thank you for asking

i was in a relationship three days ago

i am not today

it has lasted for a year and a half or so

her name is Sophia

i am feeling my mother a lot since the death thread also the last few days

and the straw that broke the camels back in the relationship was a small matter

i drive a tilt tray heavy rigid truck at the moment

work has become very slow right now

i was just outside

i have an old caravan i was given which i am fixing up


i live on about 1080 acres i am led to believe

and i do not have a house i have a tin shed which i have lined with plasterboard

built veranda  fences

etc etc

and put a sink in

i have solar power

and generators to run things

i drive a long way to work and back

and with a relationship time is very poor

what i found again and again is that self awareness is very hard to find in a partner

as i am very spiritual i suppose you could say

and even the  most spiritual people i have met can t seem to even hear what i am

saying or believe it

we dreamed together most mornings and it intensified together

we met on my mothers birthday

spirit arranged the whole thing and i dreamed of her first

before meeting

the street sign even said her name on the way to meet her

amongst other things

i understand you have things on your mind its ok

i will play regardless

also maybe share a little

your wifes dizziness was something i felt a connection to also

because i experienced it myself for "no" reason last week

at the moment at work there is a thing where every bodies stomachs are being

affected in some way

people are entering hospital nearly all of them with some kind of stomach problems

similar yet variations

i am concerned that the brother who has passed may have had injuries to this


and that the pattern is also being generated in that environment through others

another thing

i myself landed at that place with stomach problems on entry yet "before "

just another one of those things i have to get used to

but i will try and find a convenient moment to find out if the brothers car accident

caused him any trouble in that department

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2014, 08:57:24 AM »
1080 acres! Whew that's a big place. Mostly wooded?
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #35 on: July 25, 2014, 02:52:03 PM »
Yes Nichi

much wood

i learned this week which trees might be suitable for veranda posts

timber varies a lot in this country

i have bought some timber today again actually

for another job

so i will be playing with timber later on today

of course trees are great growing everywhere also

i have planted quite a few different varieties of fruit trees also

you can buy them from the markets from the local growers

my favourite fruit recently is by far one called mango steen

i am also trying to grow dragon fruits also

currently stocking


passion fruits

and lemons

the fruit trees are a fair way even years off mostly

tomatoes are growing wildly i found yesterday

and i have a few things getting ready to be planted in the ground from pots grown

from seed

the plan has always been to grow food every where

somthing makes me feel very rich when i can wake up and eat breakfast

or make a smoothie from the garden

i was just thinking at "subway"

in the quest for world domination sub servient to the ideals used as entrapment

to junk food and corporations

when it becomes popular to eat healthy

then this can be used to market

"against" the unhealthy

etc , the cool tool

being the hook of   ewwww    don t eat that yucky stuff when you can have

......................... and be cool !

it will reverse the consumer driven model

i think subway is a good example of this

and the staff they employ seem  to be quite young and funky

as with many juice bars and the like

there is a real crowd goes with it

people come out of the woodwork and form union-ous movement s


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2014, 02:57:27 PM »
i am not sure making consumers need more of any particular thing

would make farming any more fairly productive

or any more fair in the beginning

however !

part of the plan involved that through the integration of a healthy diet into a larger

proportion of people

awareness would develop beyond its current level 

and from that point an appreciation could also come into awareness

for greater concepts of unification within awareness


only in so far as

getting it running

and i am not the person for that job  ;)

except in that i  am a fire starter

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2014, 03:33:06 PM »
runningstream an interesting synchronicity, i am in the middle of watching a game show where a question was whicch fast food chain has the most stores...the answer was subway. lol then i came here and read this. interesting! :-)
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #38 on: July 25, 2014, 03:42:51 PM »
except in that i  am a fire starter

I believe this!
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2014, 08:18:38 PM »
yes work

more work

keeps the mind actively pursuing focus

i lit a fire

its burning now

it contains somebodies possessions they have left lying in a small out shed

i lit a fire

along a fence line

there was a cross behind there

pressed into the ground

i pushed the mower around

the fire along the fence line burnt strong and up

i fetched water in drinking bottles from the bore

to put it out along its edge

so it did 'nt spread

i thought a bout a man today

he was rare

i asked what was his purpose

it was not a nice tale

the way he spoke

then i wonder what is my tale

i used to dream

today i am tired

yet i worked hard

and then lit a fire

i am passing wind into the fire

i know this is how fires work

i know this line from a song that is my song today

"                     "

i barely even remember the words

many jobs coming to fruition

i remember these words


" its always darkest before the dawn"

burning orange sunset

the fire is aglow still

i will go check it again and then come back

i'm back again



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2014, 08:54:14 PM »
wondering of old peoples

i see in my future great love

wondering of old peoples

those who hear there inner voice grow

maddened or maddening

or mad

of find a way

thinking about old people

thinking about love


i feel


air  conditioners

warm baths

thinking about caring for somebody

and being cared for

thinking about old people

grandfather was 700 miles from Darwin with a new lady friend sleeping it out

thousands of miles from home with three dogs staying rough

no doubt getting away from chopping a ton of wood a day

what is comfort then

thinking about grey nomads

working all their lives to buy a caravan and hit the road

in search of seeing

and living

thinking about you

thinking about seeing familiar faces

thinking about dreaming

dreaming about thinking


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2014, 09:03:39 PM »
what will make of this


leaking on the subway

life train

crossing paths

sad face

say hey

can you tell me whats the pain ?

i can t be sure its the right question

yet there seems some relief

yet i wonder about focus again

and direction

like the leaf

because the wind is making the branch move

cause it want s to sing along

yet the branch song

could possibly waiting for a whisper

cause it saw something

it knew yet forgot

the note coming going

it completed something

i layed on the grass and found some shade

where had i gone

in the shade

the ants just left me alone

and my head pressed against the concrete

i felt affinity

and wanted to share

and liberate something but i could see it was not right

i saw my face if i took the mask on

the weight

the cross

the stone in place

where would the sun go

if i decided to cross that sky

laying in the shade

the sun may not come back

so i walk away

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #42 on: August 01, 2014, 12:47:42 PM »
so i walk away

And write, and write, and write. You must.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #43 on: August 01, 2014, 08:05:47 PM »
i suppose we could try sweep up

what was blown away by the talons of the impressive eagle

systems as they go

sun central

miscellaneous stars orbiting

popping in and out

time passing coming going

around the ring from the storms wind

time as it were

non central to one solar system

in its own system

as it is the appearance and reappearance

of stars relative to their present orbit

and appearance

its not science we want

yet observing the patterns shhh

when we pass across a rift

when they say watch the lamb

when religions come religions go

when ahuasca ceremonies bring about the lessons

taught to those who ask

i never asked

when the hand is taken of one

who sees

the eye lighting the nights sky

and day

when the orbits

are standing through out time s


when every pennies worth of crap makes sense in some sense


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2014, 08:09:35 PM »
please excuse the out burst solar flares

the last line


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