Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5384 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #75 on: August 15, 2014, 06:45:19 PM »
letter to robin

as a Robin redbreast myself

i hope you'll understand

we have a common thread here

i'd like to offer you help in any way i can

both before this time and after

chirp chirp

ill do my best buddy

you seemed like you deserve that

bless you buddy rest in peace


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #76 on: August 15, 2014, 06:51:35 PM »

well i am sure Genaro would agree when we turned his hat

it is really really raining

there will be some happy farmers today

some happy animals

some happy fish

some happy mosquitoes

grass will grow

i am wondering for how long and what the new patterns will be though

if the landscape is going to change

then what it will be like

i watched a german news program for a half hour the other day

having not much idea what they were talking about

except that it was a half hour special on the great barrier reef conservation

in that the coal trade and dredging is effecting and killing it and the creatures

and its making news there

yet all we hear here seems to be how the regulations are being met etc etc

as long as we get a few years work out of it here it seems to out weigh

the arguments

at least viewing the given silence

the weather is going a bit crazy

interesting stories i wonder how the reality is


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #77 on: August 16, 2014, 11:59:23 AM »
The Shiva Samhita[4] defines the yogi patel as someone who knows that the entire cosmos is situated within his own body, and the Yoga-Shikha-Upanishad text[5] distinguishes two kinds of yogis:

Those who pierce through the "sun" (surya) by means of the various yogic techniques and
Those who access the door of the central conduit (sushumna-nadi) and drink the nectar. As to what this nectar is, all meditation lineages focus on self-mastery of essence, both spiritual and sexual.
The Yoga-Bhashya (400 CE,[6] the oldest extant commentary on the Yoga-Sutra,[7] offers the following fourfold classification of yogis:

neophyte/beginner (prathama-kalpika)
one who has reached the "honeyed level" (madhu-bhumika)
the advanced practitioner who enjoys enlightenment (joginath, giri, goswami, etc.)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #78 on: August 18, 2014, 07:58:53 PM »
when you can whistle into a well

and the water comes to you

when you've sung all your favourite Barbara Streisand songs

when the world is singing with you

when you throw a pebble in the stream

and you get that good bounce

when you when you when you

singing that sweet tune and the whole things singing with you


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #79 on: August 18, 2014, 08:04:01 PM »
who s gunna bring the water incomplete

must wiggle the toes

less you want for no thing

then why coming back

all illuminated beings

all wandering earthlings

when "the" Buddha is teaching no thing

when i'm teaching something

when i see the video of the train

through the most beautiful country side i ever saw

and it transports me straight back into that image

when the hail starts to fall

when theres no

thing at all

when the water keeps moving and falling at the falls

when the train has gone

yet coming along

choot choot

chitty chitty

cant pin it down

when the walls have been shored up

and its sure

when things arent what they were

when the bird flys

and we i try to keep up

when no one keeps up

when im kept up

slept up

living fossils on the mud

toe printing


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #80 on: August 18, 2014, 08:18:58 PM »

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #81 on: August 18, 2014, 08:27:52 PM »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #82 on: August 18, 2014, 09:23:49 PM »
you could visit there if you got the chance Nichi 

actually i took a couple people there

the trees are old

its very stilling quiet

i think its singing an old song

if the om started long ago

and its root was not severed as the trees are very old

they left them alone

its a deep om

a couple people went along

they felt themselves come up

it brings something up

for them

silence did that or the place i feel


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #83 on: August 18, 2014, 09:29:38 PM »
the ledge above the falls is volcanic rock

you can go behind the waterfall there is a cave

there's eagles there

i'd love to see their views

wallabies and wombats

magic mushrooms grow at the car park when you arrive

it is different at night

like one of them dreams

it is one of my favourite places i have ever been

during the day time

i think a sleep would be very wild there

i had a dream i went there once

in the fog

it was frightening at night

it evokes something in me

its strange that dark and light

Offline Michael

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #84 on: August 19, 2014, 08:12:05 PM »
You've taken gold tops or blue meanies there?

That's a long way from where you live.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2014, 08:31:44 PM »
i had mushrooms twice when i was younger probably around 18

from what i remember the tops had little buttons like  in the centre

and a gold colour with long stems

when they were picked the whole things turned blue

and that how you knew that were those correct ones

the first time made me feel like an inflated indestructible balloon

the second almost killed me

actually when you talk about death i would consider that possibly the closest

i had come

i was consciousness within my body watching blackness

yet completely unable to function or even open my eyes

i could hear everything going on and was frightened i was going to die

yet had to stay calm within that knowing and state

and wait and see and that was only about 10 minutes after drinking that


i think they did come from that place but i never made that connection until


i have not had any drugs/halucinagenic substances or the like  since i was 21

i am 37 now

i have not even touched an alcoholic drink since i was 24 and quit smoking

cigarettes at that time or before

i have driven all around the place

i cant find any where that is as nice as the Trentham Daylesford bush

im all about the bush

been going and wandering alone or with a dog in the  bush since i was a child

that is perhaps my favourite place ever  :)

« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 08:53:52 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #86 on: August 19, 2014, 08:42:37 PM »
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 10:13:18 PM by Michael »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #87 on: August 19, 2014, 08:46:02 PM »
i believe this was the bird that came inside today

and the doors were left open so it could find its way back out

the females hang around outside the door like a beacon i felt

so he could find a way out again


they call it a scarlet honey eater

and that photo came out huge but its extremely tiny



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2014, 09:29:44 PM »
When Don Juan Told Carlos

it was only necessary to use the allies

to create the stopping necessary

that was what happened to me also

i can say i died

no i realise

because i stopped completely

beyond this time i

stopped everything especially myself

i did not exist at all beyond that point

and actually had to pull something out of nothing

to create or recreate something

all i had was emptiness and silence as a result

i had completely lost myself

yet i felt completely sober because of it

i was faced with the reality as it was really presented to me

stark and raw

it was a big shock

and made me feel exposed and very alone

it was at that point i could no longer blend

the new reality with the old

i had to make a new way

and i could not really compromise with myself any more

that began a long road that never ends

i guess i can say i died and sometimes tried to go back

eventually i gave up

and was left with no choice

that memory has just been triggered now  :)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2014, 09:32:16 PM »
i am experiencing size problems

in my writing now

in these boxes and reading it back here it has become enormous

can somebody help please?


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