Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 35048 times)

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« Reply #2445 on: February 24, 2024, 10:13:08 AM »
Oh thats so funny. I hadnt see him yet and his guest compared that fool to Pee Wee Herman too!  ;D
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« Reply #2446 on: February 24, 2024, 03:33:57 PM »
Big news! Now Alabama ruled recently that frozen embryos are "children." Yes. So IVF clinics have shut down for fear of lawsuits. Which has created a huge tailspin. Even Trump says he supports IVF. Not that it matters hes a clown. But still. There are Republicans who, know they could lose constituents. These are families who, now break down the rationale here, who can afford to spend thousands on frozen embryos and implantation. The majority of these people have MONEY.

So this brings up an interesting argument to the pro life movement. Now some are coming out in full support as these people want a baby! Women, desperate for a child, willing to pay thousands. I saw one woman who has paid, yes, 250k into having a baby. The IVF industry is highly profitable.

Which proves folks, that repubs arent pro-life, but pro BIRTH. Now that folks who WANT a baby being impacted, with this ruling, now the embryo frozen is question - is it a life or not? So this is good to me anyway to question it. I know what the deal is. The republican party has wanted to own the wombs of women. Pro BIRTH folks, not pro LIFE. Now they scramble as many women fighting infertility, who spend thousands to birth, want this issue settled. Now Alabama claims they wont prosecute these clinics, but the clinics dont dare flower around as the law says different. The scoop.
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« Reply #2447 on: February 24, 2024, 06:48:07 PM »
January 6, 2021. The day that woke up every veteran in spirit. When Trump had exhausted using the courts. All his advisors and he sat around. Talk of martial law. Then instead. The Trump tweet. A call to arms.

The trial with Jack Smith, Trump is desperately trying to stop with his absolute immunity claim. But it’s spirits will, it’s televised for all to see.  This video breaks down the timeline, of a desecration to stop the Will of the people for a madman.
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« Reply #2448 on: February 25, 2024, 06:41:39 AM »
Oh yes, accuse your enemies of your toxic traits. This is the Orange Shitstain accusing Biden of being a racist.

Now back in the day Biden had growing to do. But he has. He was a vice for the first African American president. And now his vice is both Indian and African American. He is NOT racist. Dump, who he and his father worked on keeping out African Americans out of their shitty apts and projects. Or especially his slandering of the Central Park 5, calling for their deaths. AND the Obama birther conspiracy he started. All of THAT is a huge reason for the karma he is suffering now.

Lets break it down - the Central Park 5 were boys who were sent to prison for years, for a crime they didnt commit. But because of Trump, this fueled the public, and their racism, and was a huge factor why they did time. ALSO when the actual perpetrator was found to be the culprit, with DNA to back it to boot. Trump never apologized to the boys, never admitted his error. And of course, Obama, under public pressure, provided a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. But because of Dump, his campaign was fueled with many conspiracy theories he was not American born, not worthy to be president, and possibly a tefforist cause of his name and color.

These are reasons this shitbag is dealing with karma. Yes he has many crimes, but he is going down for his treatment of black people. The boys went in a cell - now he is on his way to one. Oh you do all this to the first African American president? "Lets make him a president. Lets watch him fall." "Oh Lucifer how thou art fallen." YES. So all this you see, has a lot to do with HIS RACIST PAST...AND PRESENT.

And he dares to project this onto Biden. Knowing damn well he is not racist. The lies, the hatred he spews. Everytime he opens his mouth, he darkens his soul. Thats why he is going crazier by the day, even minute.
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« Reply #2449 on: February 25, 2024, 08:06:41 AM »
"Who" is going to bail out the Orange Peckerhead? I suspect someone will. Will it be the Saudis? Look at his son in law Jared Kushner and his dealings with them. Or the Russians? We know Putin wants him in office so he can manipulate and restore the USSR. Or even Elon? Who I suspect is a fox, and wants to do some things with X and he's sketch. This is chump change for Elon - if he could buy twitter, he can easily bail out Trump. Now he said he wont vote for Biden, would "maybe" vote for Trump. Elon is flowering around so...

The scoop....
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Re: WE'RE STUFFED!!! could it be...
« Reply #2450 on: February 25, 2024, 09:53:40 AM »
Berry berry interesting! So Elon is highly tracked his jet and things. I did a comment on the last video, that perhaps the Saudis, Russia, or even Elon could bail out Trump. So someone replied on my comment, that days ago, Elon was at Mar a Lago. So did a search, and reddit never fails to disappoint, its true:

So, could ELON put up the money? Now all warfare is based on deception. Elon is well aware, twitter was the source and sounding board, Trump used to incite an insurrection. He paid BIG money for it. He has all hands on the controls. And seems he is trying to gain the trust of the right, which, I just feel a game. BUT to gain trust, put up the money for Trump? Was he called over to make a deal? Elon can easily afford the money for him, hands down. Will my possible theory be correct, and he put up the money?

Berry berry interesting!

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« Reply #2451 on: February 25, 2024, 10:00:20 AM »
OK I GOTTA READ THIS. I gotta know. Im only going to read this one for soma. Cause im curious. Ill later consider posting but for now, as all warfare is based on deception...
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« Reply #2452 on: February 25, 2024, 10:27:07 AM »
OMG The First Card made me laugh so flowering hard! Its a strong possibility Elon may put up the cash!  ;D
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« Reply #2453 on: February 25, 2024, 01:25:15 PM »
Trump wins South Carolina. Now this is interesting - the stats. This video shows in SC, how many believe the election was stolen. And shows how many would vote for Trump, even if convicted of a crime.

Now I know all would ask, "What is going on here? These are Christian folks?" It all goes way back in the day to players like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Oral Roberts who took over the televangelical movement, and made it into a money making, political scheme. Thus then brainwashing Christians, with their style and brand of Christian Nationalism. This then permeated the majority (I wont say all not all are like this, but many) of churches, this certain flavor, where church and politics went hand in hand. The abortions rights issue is a big one which took the forefront in the 70s, gay rights and marriage another issue of course. So their style and flavor became massive, and they, of course, racked in millions of dollars for their televangelism.

So why does Trump appeal to them, when they have read The Good Book all these years, and more often than not, they spoke to their congregations about the end times and warned of it? How can they not "see" him for what he is? Well, because they are corrupt, and then they corrupted their followers. The televangelists and churches are a HUGE reason he has followers. If these people called Trump out, then he may have not gained the popularity he has. But it shows that once they injected serious political fever into these congregations, it took on a life of its own. Once tvs were put in our homes, here they came. Begging for money, really, guilting people all over, and spreading a message that is far away from anything Jesus taught.

So the stats:
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« Reply #2454 on: February 25, 2024, 01:50:09 PM »
Oh NO! I was slow to it! Orange Nutsack went to "Sneaker CON" of course, of course he did!  ;D

T Pain breaks down the fraud of NY. As the MAGA tears fall for their false messiah, and they all decry "Where is the fraud?" T Pain breaks it down eloquently, how the little guy is impacted, by Big Rich Guy FRAUD!
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« Reply #2455 on: February 26, 2024, 09:03:56 AM »
AT&T had a huge outage a few days ago. Basically all customers impacted. The powers that be are all on looking to what caused it.

Immediately my feelers went up. Now, we have tiktok on many phones right now. "Tick Tock" its a matter of time if our govt does not do something. Yes it feels sketchy.

The scoop.

AT&T says service has been restored after massive, nationwide outage. Authorities are investigating
Catherine Thorbecke Melissa Alonso Brian Fung
By Catherine Thorbecke, Melissa Alonso and Brian Fung, CNN

Updated 8:50 PM EST, Thu February 22, 2024

AT&T’s network went down for many of its customers across the United States Thursday morning, leaving customers unable to place calls, text or access the internet.

By a little after 3 pm ET, roughly 11 hours after reports of the outage first emerged, the company said that it had restored service to all impacted customers.

“We have restored wireless service to all our affected customers. We sincerely apologize to them,” AT&T said in a statement. The company added that it is “taking steps to ensure our customers do not experience this again in the future.”

Later on Thursday, AT&T said an “initial review” of the outage found it may have been caused by an error within the company and not a cyberattack. (So they say)

The Federal Communications Commission confirmed Thursday afternoon that it is investigating the outage. The White House says federal agencies are in touch with AT&T about network outages but that it doesn’t have all the answers yet on what exactly led to the interruptions.

Although Verizon and T-Mobile customers reported some network outages, too, they appeared far less widespread. T-Mobile and Verizon said their networks were unaffected by AT&T’s service outage and customers reporting outages may have been unable to reach customers who use AT&T.

Thursday morning, more than 74,000 AT&T customers reported outages on digital-service tracking site DownDetector, with service disruptions beginning around 4 am ET. That’s not a comprehensive number: It tracks only self-reported outages. Reports had been rising steadily throughout the morning but leveled off in the 9 am ET hour. By 12:30 pm ET, the DownDetector data showed some 25,000 AT&T customers still reporting outages. By 2 pm ET, fewer than 5,000 customers were still reporting issues.

Earlier Thursday, AT&T acknowledged that it had a widespread outage but did not provide a reason for the system failure.

“Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. We are working urgently to restore service to them,” AT&T said in a statement at 11:15 am ET. “We encourage the use of Wi-Fi calling until service is restored.”

To set up Wi-Fi calling, users can go to their Settings app on their phone. iPhone users should tap “Cellular” and Android users should click “Connection” and then users will be prompted to turn on the Wi-Fi calling feature. AT&T says on its website that there is no extra cost for this feature. Once set up, Wi-Fi calling works automatically when you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network that you choose.

By late morning, AT&T said most of its network was back online, and it confirmed Thursday afternoon that service was fully restored.

AT&T’s stock fell more than 2% Thursday, a an outlier on a day when the market was rocketing higher.

A faulty software update?
AT&T has encountered sporadic outages over the past few days, including a temporary 911 outage in some parts of the southeastern United States. Although outages happen from time to time, nationwide, prolonged outages are exceedingly rare.

On Thursday, the company said it believed the massive outage was caused by an internal issue.

“Based on our initial review, we believe that today’s outage was caused by the application and execution of an incorrect process used as we were expanding our network, not a cyber attack,” AT&T said in a statement on its website. “We are continuing our assessment of today’s outage to ensure we keep delivering the service that our customers deserve.”

According to an industry source who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the root of the outage appeared to be related to how cellular services hand off calls from one network to the next, a process known as peering.

Though AT&T said the issue does not appear to be a cyber attack, a US cyber official tracking the AT&T outage told CNN on Thursday that they were investigating it.

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is “working closely with AT&T to understand the cause of the outage and its impacts, and stand ready to offer any assistance needed,” Eric Goldstein, the agency’s executive assistant director for cybersecurity, said in a statement to CNN.

Carriers are notoriously mum about why their networks go down. In the past, there have been construction accidents that have cut fiberoptic cables, incidents of sabotage or network updates filled with bugs that became difficult to roll back.

Outages often happen for mundane reasons, several telecom experts told CNN.

Common causes include construction-related digging that punctures fiber optic cables and software misconfigurations that can lead to interruptions, said TJ Kennedy, a public safety communications expert.

“I can’t think of every incident in the last few years, but I can think of things related to routers, things related to backhaul, things related to software,” Kennedy said. “This has happened across all major carriers, multiple times in the past few years alone.”

Thursday’s outage could have been caused by human errors in AT&T’s cloud-based networking system, said Lee McKnight, an associate professor at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies.

“The dirty secret of telecom networks these days is they are just a bunch of wires and towers connected to the cloud,” McKnight said. “Someone making a mistake, and others on their team — and their automated tools — not catching it, is quite common in cloud computing.”

The FCC is investigating
The Federal Communications Commission confirmed Thursday afternoon that it is investigating the incident.

“We are aware of the reported wireless outages, and our Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau is actively investigating,” the FCC said in a statement Thursday afternoon that was posted on X. “We are in touch with AT&T and public safety authorities, including FirstNet, as well as other providers”

The FCC requires carriers to report information linked to network disruptions.

Ahead of the news that the FCC was probing the outage, a former FCC official told CNN: “The carriers are required to report their outage numbers over time, and the commission can track the number of consumers and cell sites down and things like that.”

Fines may be possible in connection with 911 outages, although they aren’t a certainty, said Blair Levin, a telecom policy analyst and another former FCC official.

“The FCC cares a lot more about the inability to connect with 911 [than other types of calls],” said Levin. “It’s a more serious problem from the FCC’s perspective.”

Telecom carriers have every reason to fix any outages quickly, said the first former FCC official, “because it creates black eyes for the brand.”

“Everybody’s incentives are aligned,” the former official said. “The FCC is going to want to know what caused it so that lessons can be learned. And if they find malfeasance or bad actions or, just poor quality of oversight of the network, they have the latitude to act.”

Local governments report outages
Several local governments said AT&T’s outage was disrupting their services.

San Francisco’s Department of Emergency Management said in a statement on X Thursday morning that its 911 center remained operational, but many AT&T customers were unable to reach the emergency line because of the outage. It suggested people call from a landline or find someone with a rival’s service to dial 911.

“We are aware of an issue impacting AT&T wireless customers from making and receiving any phone calls (including to 911),” the department said in its post. “We are actively engaged and monitoring this.”

The Fire Department in Upper Arlington, Ohio, said the AT&T outage was affecting its fire alarms. St. Joseph County, Michigan, advised residents to use Wi-Fi to place 911 calls if they can’t reach 911 on AT&T’s network. Cobb County, Georgia, said its 911 operations remained unaffected by the outage but noted customers may want to find alternate methods of reaching emergency services. Cabel County, West Virginia, said customers that couldn’t reach 911 could text to 911 as a last resort.

New York Police Department officials told CNN that they were not able to make calls or utilize emails on AT&T phones Thursday morning unless they were connected to Wi-Fi.

The Massachusetts State Police warned people not to test their phone service by placing 911 calls.

“Many 911 centers in the state are getting flooded w/ calls from people trying to see if 911 works from their cell phone. Please do not do this,” the state police said in a post on X. “If you can successfully place a non-emergency call to another number via your cell service then your 911 service will also work.”

Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens, meanwhile, said the city is “actively gathering information to determine how the City of Atlanta can assist in resolving this issue,” in a statement posted on X. Dickens said Atlanta’s “e-911 is able to receive inbound and make outbound calls” and encouraged AT&T customers to direct inquiries to restore service to the company.

An AT&T spokesman said the company’s FirstNet network has remained operational. FirstNet provides coverage for first responders and is advertised as a more robust network than the AT&T commercial network. It uses a mix of its own infrastructure plus AT&T’s broader network. Its customers include police and fire departments, as well as first responders during natural disasters.

Verizon and T-Mobile say they’re unaffected
There also have been about 1,000 outages reported by both Verizon and T-Mobile customers Thursday morning, the DownDetector website indicates.

“We did not experience an outage,” T-Mobile said in a statement. “Our network is operating normally.”

Verizon had a similar comment, saying it was unaffected by AT&T’s outage.

“Verizon’s network is operating normally,” Verizon told CNN in a statement. “Some customers experienced issues this morning when calling or texting with customers served by another carrier. We are continuing to monitor the situation.”

User reports on Downdetector about a T-Mobile outage, the company added, are “likely reflecting challenges our customers were having attempting to connect to users on other networks.”

Downdetector offers “real-time status information for over 12,000 services across 47 websites representing 47 countries,” the website says.

This story has been updated with additional developments and context.

CNN’s Caroll Alvarado, Sean Lyngaas, John Miller, Kevin Liptak and Samantha Delouya contributed to this report.

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« Reply #2456 on: February 26, 2024, 10:07:46 AM »
So much trouble the likes of these.

2 Thessalonians "9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved."

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« Reply #2457 on: February 26, 2024, 08:29:48 PM »
The Orange Trash Dump went to this Black Conservative "thing," which, when you see Reese show the event, and many others showed it too. Look at the audience. Where are the black people? The vast majority of the audience were white. I guess they needed bodies to fill the seats, because the majority of black people in this country got Dumpy's number. But his idioticness implying Black people relate to him, like his mugshot, cause of crime. Or when he looks out in the audience and says "I can only see the black ones," what in the MF hell? Anyway, Reece breaks down, a history of Trump's racism, in one eloquent youtube, and yes, tosses in the Central Park 5 and Obama birther deal. But plenty of evidence to show how truly racist and disgusting this shitbag is.

The scoop:
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan

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« Reply #2458 on: February 27, 2024, 04:18:02 PM »
The internet never fails to disappoint! Some nifty citizen created a "Trump Debt Counter" see here:

You can watch the interest on the clock just tick tock and pile on up! Last I looked, it was almost up to $468k?

This amount, is an inconceivable amount of money. Like If I got 50k, I would be like "Thats a lot of flowering money!" So for us "normal, and average US citizens," its difficult for us to conceive of a staggering figure such as this! And just to watch this thing accrue interest as it is, is certainly amazing!

Then course, the pandering for money. Now The Biggest Orange Loser, has been begging folks for money for a long time now. Which is also inconceivable to me. These people, who can barely pay light bill, or keep food on the table, are so gutted of any sense of....sense. They feel the need to fund, a once billionaire, donate to him, like he is a starving child in Africa somewhere. "With your $50 donation, you can feed a hungry Orange Blood Sucking Stinkerball." Great! Money well spent, huh? But then like my ex who liked Trump, would bitch about the homeless asking for money, too. Yep, assholes abound. Sad. Anyway, its interesting to watch the number grow. Check it out!
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« Reply #2459 on: February 27, 2024, 04:35:38 PM »
So The Orange Shitty Shitty Bang Bang, began the procedings to file an appeal on the NY Judgment (refer to above post if you want to know how much the bond must be)! Basically they saying, $464k. Behold, the Trump Clock Counter. But no bond or payment posted to put in escrow, pending this appeal. If he doesnt post the money, cant appeal. So clock ticks, interest accrues, so we all wait with bated breath.

I do believe someone going to bail him out. Im betting on:

1. Elon
2. Saudi
3. Russia

At this point. Or maybe hes gotta blow some rich person who...I dont know! But hes in deep doo doo and...geeze most people scramble each month and get innovative to pay the rent! Maybe Humpty Dumpy Doo Doo brain should hit a pawn shop. But knowing him, hes got a document or two to sell to a foreign enemy who knows! But someone gonna bail him out: watch!
"A warrior doesn't seek anything for his solace, nor can he possibly leave anything to chance. A warrior actually affects the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent." - don Juan


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