Just wanted to say hi. It's been a long time. I read your book and enjoyed it. Your post above made me think of a section in your book regarding a red hearse, and a baby crib and something you wrote about "the nagual having a wicked sense of humor". Earlier this year on a drive with a friend to Myrtle Beach/Charleston, I recalled some things in your book and decided to give it a try....
Hey, Chance! Good to see you here!

Also, thanks for sharing with me the anecdotes of your adventure. I've really found that that little trick of "creating reality" works - seeming to reveal the underpinnings of the active force of intent. So, that sense of humor of the nagual just keeps me smiling most of the time.
I can't recall if I included this in the book or not, but one of the most "successful" attempts at this type of creation/manifestation occurred while Wendy and I were on a freeway in Los Angeles, heading home late at night. I said to her that I wanted to see a lion. Her reaction was not particularly optimistic... until we came around a bend in the freeway, only to see a HUGE sign comprised entirely of lights, in the shape of a lion's head - the sign on the roof of the theater where THE LION KING was playing (of which we had no knowledge).
What's interesting to me is that you were actively LOOKING for these manifestations and they were forthcoming. In my own experiments, I've found that I literally have to put out the intent and then release it (in other words, almost forget about it) and then it will be forthcoming. On the times when I've tried to actively LOOK for the objects I have intended, the success rate is much lower. I can only attribute that to the possibility that by
releasing the energy, I am allowing it to go forth & manifest, whereas by "holding" the energy, perhaps I am "restricting" its natural flow.
But if your efforts are any indication, it certainly seems that it works either way - which is very cool! I'm glad to know that, as it gives me a new perspective for my own ongoing experiments in that direction.
A good friend of mine was razzing me recently, and basically said, "Well, pumpkins & cribs are all fine and good, but why not manifest a doorway to another world, or a wise old man like don Juan."
When I thought about that in meditation later that night, I found myself laughing out loud. That's the work we're ALL doing, I realized. We are the doorway and each of us is our own don Juan when we can really make that connection to the higher self/double - the gnosis of silent knowing.
That just left me with a big grin on my face for quite awhile.

Good to hear from you - and glad you liked the book!