Author Topic: WE'RE STUFFED!!!  (Read 34184 times)


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« Reply #60 on: September 08, 2006, 02:14:34 AM »
Now the magic in this with using everything in tonal is that if you start with one piece and improve that - the others will follow. Well the oil will not be renewed in your car engine unless you change it but there are other energetical multiple effects.

Another thing is to not overlook the importance among details. Remember that we "work" in a complete system. We cannot afford to neglect one part and only focus on other. I am not arguing with you R on this because I talk about another angle of this.

you are right in "if" its work to a certain extent.
Par example: I have never joined any political party, I saw no progress or growth available in that. I didn't join the army for the same reason but went to jail instead. So these things are not in my tonal and I simply do not work with them as a tool, to be politically involved for instance was nothing useful for me.

Tom on the other hand is a Vietnam vet, and for sure he have had the opportunity to include that experience in his growth. So there is our choices and other happenings that put forward things in our tonal that we can use for our personal growth.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 02:16:50 AM by Juan Miguel »


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« Reply #61 on: September 08, 2006, 02:15:49 AM »
I suppose that you are on the right track Rubina but let me make myself clear. What is meant by everything?

It is meant that everything in our tonal have an option to serve us as a tool for growth.

Yes of course, the word everything didn't cause problems for me, i just said it was you who said it, not Nichi.


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« Reply #62 on: September 08, 2006, 02:35:30 AM »
Yes of course, the word everything didn't cause problems for me, i just said it was you who said it, not Nichi.

but please note that I wrote some more on the subject in my next post to develop the idea "everything" compared to your statement "if it works".


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« Reply #63 on: September 08, 2006, 02:42:25 AM »
Our car or other vehicle that we use. Maintenance, Pirsig wrote a whole book about it - Zen, and the art of motorcycle maintenace. It hasn't to be an old Triumph, it can be any bicycle or simple car.

I had this book once, it seemed really interesting, but it was too hard English for me at that time.


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« Reply #64 on: September 09, 2006, 01:20:58 AM »
I had this book once, it seemed really interesting, but it was too hard English for me at that time.

What a pity. It  is three stories in one.
His physically tour across the USA with his 11 year old son as passenger on his old Triumph.
His mentally, philosophically tour from ancient Greek philospohy and forward towards some kind of illumination about "Quality".
He talks a lot about "Phaidros" the Wolf from the country that challenge Platon (I think it was that way).

Then there is this lesson how to work with a motorcycle. And also that the book begins with him being released from the Asylum. So he travels back and forth in his own personal history - a kind of great recap.


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« Reply #65 on: September 10, 2006, 02:25:52 AM »
If we shall go down we shall go down with music:

here follows some info about a film with Al Gore, former vice president of the US:
An inconvenient truth

 it is hot stuff.


Well today I went and watched this movie. It started to show this week. Al Gore is doing a good job and explains a lot. For Gore the interest for the global warmingstarted with a professor that was his teacher in the late 1960's. This prof. had made scientific field research on the CO2 prevalence in the Pacific. There was a steady rising curve since the start in the late 1950s.

The situation is more severe than I ever thought. It multiplies, the forests, the dries, the increased water temperature. And then the North Pole together with Greenland is is, yes what is it? A sad unavoidable receipt that there is going to be a great change.

He ends with some examples how we can change this development - but I am afraid that it is too late to change from car to buses, from ordinary lamps to low energy lamps ...

Offline Michael

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« Reply #66 on: September 10, 2006, 02:34:53 AM »
Go Al!!

Offline Tiamat

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« Reply #67 on: September 11, 2006, 10:53:54 PM »
Don't worry. Our scientists are on the case.
They are finding new ways to reduce population growth, and the population. Killing 90% off with viruses, for example. Only those who have the money to buy the cure would survive... and the scientists themselves. The cure would be very expensive, of course. >:D
That's strange: while scientists are trying methods to eliminate people for reducing the population, in Italy the government gives money to the couples who decide to have more than 1 child.....
This means they will reduce population where they decide ( for example Africa, China, India)...
I believe this selective mechanism is set up since a long time ( HIV, bird flue....)


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« Reply #68 on: September 11, 2006, 11:25:52 PM »
That's strange: while scientists are trying methods to eliminate people for reducing the population, in Italy the government gives money to the couples who decide to have more than 1 child.....
This means they will reduce population where they decide ( for example Africa, China, India)...
I believe this selective mechanism is set up since a long time ( HIV, bird flue....)

What is this selective mechanism needed for? Does it work, considering that the world already consumes every year 20% more resources than is regenerated by nature (this is not to mention resources that are not regenerated at all - like oil, gas, etc.)?


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« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2006, 01:36:33 AM »

Offline Tiamat

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« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2006, 11:44:28 PM »
What is this selective mechanism needed for? Does it work, considering that the world already consumes every year 20% more resources than is regenerated by nature (this is not to mention resources that are not regenerated at all - like oil, gas, etc.)?
The resources will finish in any case...But until they exists will be concentrated in the Western world..
Im sure they already found the alternative to most important resources and the only thing that remains to do is to use it.. Just like we dont wake up and find in our garden a big tree that the day before there wasnt , so changements dont happen suddenly but slowly and inesorably....
I apply the "nothing dies, everything is trasforming" point of view.


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« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2006, 11:49:36 PM »
Nobody can replace the nature, right?

Offline Tiamat

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« Reply #72 on: September 13, 2006, 01:15:10 AM »
Nobody can replace the nature, right?
The Earth changes with us, with the vibrations we send to her; not forgetting she has its own that act on all living beings over her surface and  inside her.
What i wanna say is that we are connected.
We have to change our way to obtain things.
We now are used to obtain thing in a painful and greedy way. That's why things are hurting us and the planet...cos we dont have in our hearts the desire to share, but just to accumulate for ourselves.
Alias...the egoism is killing.
When i say we have to share what we get i mean it from any source. (be it the nature, be it the neighbour..)


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« Reply #73 on: September 13, 2006, 01:38:42 AM »
Cool!  ;)


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« Reply #74 on: October 11, 2006, 05:19:14 PM »
US population hits 300 million, but is it sustainable?

By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 11 October 2006

The population of the United States will pass 300 million today, or tomorrow. No one knows exactly where, no one know precisely when. It is a milestone for sure but is this a cause for celebration or anxiety?

Some American commentators are already saying the landmark is a chance to note the US is perhaps the only country in the developed world where the economy is being bolstered by a population that is growing at a discernable rate. But many experts say passing the 300 million milestone should be a wake-up call that demands a reappraisal of the extraordinary, unparalleled rate of consumption by the world's largest economy and its third largest by population.

As an economic model for the rest of the world to follow - in particular the rapidly developing economies of China and India - it is unsustainable, they say.

On a global scale the average US citizen uses far more than his or her fair share of the planet's resources - consuming more than four times the worldwide average of energy, almost three times as much water and producing more than twice the average amount of rubbish and five times the amount of carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming. The US - with five per cent of the world's population - uses 23 per cent of its energy, 15 per cent of its meat and 28 per cent of its paper. Additional population will mean more people seeking a share of those often-limited resources.

It may be that America's citizen number 300,000,000 will be an undocumented migrant, born to undocumented parents somewhere in the South or the West, where population growth is the fastest. Almost one-third of America's annual population growth of between 0.9 per cent and 1 per cent is the result of immigration - much of it illegal.

"America is the only industrialised nation in the world experiencing significant population growth," Victoria Markham, the director of the Centre for Environment and Population (CEP), says in a new report. "The nation's relatively high rates of population growth, natural resource consumption and pollution combine to create the largest environmental impact, felt both within the nation and around the world." She adds: " The US has become a 'super-size' nation, with lifestyles reflected in super-sized appetites for food, houses, land and resource consumption. 'More of more' seems to characterise modern-day America - more people than any generation before us experienced, more natural resources being utilised to support everyday life and more major impacts on the natural systems that support life on earth."

Some commentators believe this growth has a modest impact on the nation's resources and can bring many benefits. Greg Easterbrook, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Washington-based, independent research and policy institute, recently wrote: "What should not worry us about continuing US population growth ... is the question of whether we can handle it - we can," he said.

Lester Brown, the director of the Earth Policy Institute, an environmental group also based in Washington, said: "In times past, reaching such a demographic milestone might have been a cause for celebration - in 2006 it is not. Population growth is the ever-expanding denominator that gives each person a shrinking share of the resource pie. It contributes to water shortages, cropland conversion to non-farm uses, traffic congestion, more garbage, overfishing, crowding in national parks, a growing dependence on imported oil and other conditions that diminish the quality of our daily lives."

Mr Brown said there was also a global perspective to America's rapacious model of consumption. In addition to foreign policy decisions at least influenced by a desire to secure diminishing resources, he said the US was setting an example to the developing world that was unsustainable. "We used to think of the developing countries as places that did not consume very much ... But it is starting to change and they are beginning to behave like us and heading for income levels like us," he said.

If China's economy continued to grow at 8 per cent a year, Mr Brown said, income levels in that country would equal the 2004 US level by 2031, by which time China's population would stand at 1.45 billion.

If current consumption rates were multiplied to take into account its population growth, China's paper consumption would be double the current total world production of paper and its vehicle fleet would be 1.1 billion; the world's current total fleet is 800 million.

"What China is teaching us is that the Western economic model is not going to work for China and if it will not work for China it will not work for India and in the long-term ... it will not work for us as well," he said.

It was in 1915 that the US population reached 100 million. Fifty-two years later, in 1967, it reached 200 million. It has taken just 39 more years for the milestone of 300 million to be achieved.

1915: US population reaches 100 million

The population of America hit the 100-million mark in 1915, two years before President Woodrow Wilson would enter the First World War. Americans were stunned by the sinking of the British liner, 'Lusitania', enthralled by Charlie Chaplin and arguing about immigration. "There is here a great melting pot in which we must compound a precious metal," said Wilson, as a million European immigrants poured into the US each year.

The 'great white hope' Jess Willard beat black boxing champion Jack Johnson in a dubious bout in Havana; Marines were dispatched to Haiti after a mob killed its president and the Ku Klux Klan was reestablished as a 'benevolent' organisation.

1967: US passes 200 million

By 1967, when the US population hit 200m, the US was up to its neck in the Vietnam War, Muhammad Ali was stripped of his world heavyweight title for refusing the draft, dozens were killed in race riots in Detroit, and San Francisco was beguiled by the Summer of Love.

Eugene McCarthy said he would run for president, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution was passed allowing for a transfer of power to the vice-president if the president was incapacitated and three Apollo astronauts burned to death during a simulation at Cape Canaveral. The millionth telephone was installed in the US. Hit films included The Graduate, In the Heat of the Night and Bonnie and Clyde.

Supersize nation: how America is eating the world

300m Expected population of the United States by the end of this week

75 Life expectancy for men in the US. Women are expected to live until 80

63 Life expectancy for men in the developing world. Women are expected to live until 67

395m Projected population of the US by 2050

1,682m3 US annual water consumption per capita

633m3 The world's annual water consumption per capita

545m3 The developing world's annual water withdrawals per capita

5lbs Amount of waste each US resident produces per day. That compares with about 3lbs per person per day in Europe, and about 0.9-1.3lbs per person a day in the developing world

$39,710 US Gross National Income per head, 2004

$8,540 World's GNI per head

$4,450 Developing world's GNI per head

19.8 US carbon dioxide emissions per capita, in metric tonnes

3.9 World's carbon dioxide emissions per head, in tonnes

1.8 Developing world's carbon dioxide emissions per head, in tonnes

58bn Number of burgers consumed by Americans every year

54m Number of Americans who are obese

300,000 Deaths per year related to obesity

678lbs US annual paper consumption per head

115lbs The corresponding figure for the world

44lbs The figure for the developing world

204m number of vehicles on US roads

37% Percentage of the total cars in the world on America's roads

1 in 7 Barrels of world oil supply used by US drivers

24m Number of Americans who drive SUVs

7,921 US energy consumption per capita, 2001, expressed in kilograms of oil

1,631 World's energy consumption per capita, in kilograms of oil

828 Corresponding figure for the developing world


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