I follow you. Thanx. Yeh, it was Jahns' quote. My mistake.
What I have learnt about "tools", in either the physical or non-physicial realms, is that it is not the user but, rather, the tool which needs to be known, also. Like you implied, what works for one person may not work for another. Yet a warrior, one who knows the potential of themselves, must focus on the tool for what it has to reveal to them by their use of it. What I am implying is, Rubina, that I have to remind myself often not to rush to judgement on such things as spiritual/nagual tools. It took me many years and many attempts at recapitulation and self-stalking to realize just what is involved in the practice of such powerful forms of art. I had to grow within the tool. Decades of attempted impeccability taught me to wake up in my recapitulation and realize that the act was alive, of and in itself. I can now live new moments in my past when before I could only recollect. I cannot change anything with "the past", but I can pick out details which previously escaped my awareness. The knowledge from "then" is now not hidden because of my new identity with such things, areas of my perception which were only latent. So the "tool", in other words, needed extensive handling before I could begin to perceive the possibilities awaiting my discovery.