Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5420 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #390 on: July 21, 2015, 09:24:51 PM »
I went and had a look of facebook today .
I saw the faces of people i used to know , some i had gone to school with .

Many have aged greatly appearing to me to be older than they are or I am .

Many have children , i never have . Many have not moved from the general area.

I felt a great tension seeing facebook and all those old faces .

First it was a site that had some car parts , which required i sign in .

Next i felt a kind of aloneness and decided to check it out , reconnecting in some sense with some people .

Many people give themselves up for view , to social expectations , and comfortable amongst their herd .

I feel totally outside of it and a little frightened to be captured in those tensions as they seem .

Deactivation , and back to aloneness , what a strange excursion .

However , it does give some insight into directions , earlier directions and futures ,

actually earlier social expectations , still being nervously met , and played out .

I can see some of them still in myself also . It is possible to drop them also .

Also i see children who look just like their parents , this holds two scenes for me there ,

1/ that is that it was what was meant for their life purpose , 2/ that in the immersion of patterns it becomes necessary to even question the base drive provided through that sense .

Different senses being provided by parents , i keep coming back to one simple point , especially when it comes to density ,

it seems to be about heart , intelligence that provides a freedom to go beyond these things seems to come from heart .

I have watched children who grew up poor chasing brand names and status symbols .

I have watched children damaged in many ways grow up to provide sustenance towards that damage in many cases not going outside of the circle

yet from accomodating it from within . 

Then we have the provisor that of a partner or other persons in our life dictating want and need .

The dynamic , especially from entering facebook yet not having these initial tension yet seeing them emerge ,

bring back first hand memories of relationships or images of what those persons exist as , when in reality they are free and have moved on

yet because of the secondary relationship with the memory , "at least from a detached perspective" is outside of this circle .

To be honest its terrifying to think to be still captured in such a way .

I much prefer aloneness to having to dance to the social expectation .

The being open to the road is different . even new places .

The tools received surely determine this , and the growth through heart or availability to a sort of uniqueness of growth and movement away from density .

It also seems many do not perceive anything outside of that conundrum and are content in it , when i see many though i get a sense of tiredness though .

i appreciate you people here .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #391 on: July 21, 2015, 09:42:02 PM »
I become further convinced that something is eating people if they do not live that way .

Yet i am not unconvinced that the same force can be used as a useful drive also in their lives ,

it seems a strange paradox .

When having been down the greatest upheavals may also begin out of said holes .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #392 on: July 21, 2015, 10:01:13 PM »
The problem with weak people is they act so strong , because of needing something to be strong over ,

gravity's force got something going on .

The words i get this week , a stick in the mud sure does suck.

I feel i would rather die than be subdued to a system which formula will determine only one outcome .

Sure people exist smiling within such systems and could say they have freed themselves from that conundrum ,

yet i would still question the bodies freedom in such case .

Spirit driving a body , in an intelligent form , a being who comprehends what it is and how to communicate intelligently with the world ,

giving vitality to all systems , intelligence and ability at the level of intelligence available to the receiver .

I have decided to pull it together and write from this perspective at least for now , as it seems required of me , in the current divided climate

globally as an excercise in an alternative fashion outwardly whist summoning inwardly also

The path as it is bringing liberally light when traveled upon , a way actually can and is found often , peaks and valleys , turns and expectations dropped

even the self in favor of the characters encountered's favor . 

This immensity becoming spirits eyes to perceive the landscape , overlaying the normal perception required to meet here and there .

The requirements necessary then shift with the landscape as what i would call water can be traveled upon and suggestively points to the

perceiver what is apparently a part of its own being also , on layer lacking such density by new out looks .

Sure they have been telling me since the beginning what i could and could not do . The words seem to burn my ears with frustration ,

so one day i just stopped listening .

One day the silent became the strong . It is best to never forget this facet also.

It is what had become silent and needed coaxing out . So again i coax it out .

Walking into the face of the sun , it is important to have this respect for this silent self . No damage should be done there only a respectful following.


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #393 on: July 21, 2015, 10:14:59 PM »
Once i was a boy about maybe eleven , or so , i was a hunter and fisher . I never liked the cowboys and preferred the indians when it came to tv .

we were told to go outside a lot , so we played outside all the time , having to be called in for dinner as i remember it many many times .

We would play cricket on a mowed pitch , i used to love to mow the grass untill we ran out of fuel , and sometimes had to be told to stop ,

and i could not stand to do dishes , i hated them with passion .

My job was to cut the firewood and light the fire , which i enjoyed very much .

I always had a pocket knife at hand , I would ride with my slug gun on the handle bars of my bike wrapped in a blanket , hell i would run away

from home at an early age , and pitch a tent in the back paddocks.

I grew up chasing animals , wild and domesticated , and i always had a dog with me . Her name was Jess . She was the best cricket fielder we had ,

the rule was if she caught the ball on one bounce it was counted as a catch and you were out .

Many many times she got us out . Not to mention kept up to be fresh enough to keep playing for a long time , and when she had had enough ,

she would just lay down on the pitch until she had rested enough to begin again .

We would hunt rabbits together , and go fishing , i taught her to climb ladders , find objects which were hidden , round up sheep , stand on her

back legs when calling "look out"

, all sorts of things .

She was a blue heeler cross border collie and was extremely intelligent and she could jump the door of the shed which was over 6 ft high .

I suppose you could say nothing has really changed since i was a child .

Except for maybe the cricket , and the bicycles and the mowing like "due to hayfever allergies "

but hey i was always a kid with a runny nose too .

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #394 on: July 21, 2015, 10:27:39 PM »
Loved hearing about Jess!
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #395 on: July 21, 2015, 10:47:33 PM »
And i loved talking about her .

Once she caught maybe five rabbits in one go , as they were hiding under a log , she would get this yelp of excitement ,

they were young rabbits , as each one landed at my feet she would drop it and run off to catch another , of course before i had a chance to pick

them up , they would have ran away , as it was not a tennis ball and dropping it at my feet did not have the same effect .

And when it came  to cricket quite often there would be a sigh of Jess! before the ball had even reached the batsman , she would have happily

stopped it before arrival standing there with her wagging tail  .

I remember now begging that day to be allowed to take her home , at the markets in a small town inside a small pen .

And one day she died , and my parents still had her after i had grown up and left home .

i remember driving up the road and a voice telling me she was dead .

So when my mother rang and told me i knew that and got a surprise double .

The same also happened with my dog Rock , i heard he was dead by a voice , yet i thought i was imagining things , and kept driving the other

way .

Dogs are so wonderful , i am confused at there short lives comparatively this week also , thinking of getting a new friend , just the pain comes

so often throughout a humans life.

My grandfather has had so many dogs , he is a dog man , and has a voice that commands their respect , he certainly is the pack leader ,

he can be wonderfully kind to them , they live as he does , around the wood stove eating the animals he both kills and buys , and the rest "biscuits too .

During the floods of was it 20012 , i drove him his most recent dog , who has the most beautiful silky fur i have ever seen ,

he is brindle but a brindle i have never seen before , it seems to bristle with flecks of light "literally" sometimes .

He has a ridge back stripe down his back very prominently and is very large ,

he takes my grandfather by the hand and leaves marks of blood on his old skin , grazes and such .

He will sneak on the bed during the night the big bastard as quiet as a mouse having perfected his army like advance , my grandfather loves him

very very much .

Recently somebody tried to steal him .

As an old man was driving up the road behind a car , he saw a door open , and a dog being kicked out of the car .

I think they had made a big mistake .

The man driving behind put the dog in his trailer , as my grandfather cuts firewood all the time , he likes this mode of transport so probably just jumped straight in .

He was then taken to the dog shelter , and luckily he had a microchip fitted . So again found his way home.

I laugh to think what happened to the poor dog thief when he was inside the car with sarge.



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Re: Story sake
« Reply #396 on: July 22, 2015, 10:55:02 AM »
“Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us.”
― Carlos Castaneda


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #397 on: July 22, 2015, 11:42:51 AM »
Dream of a man i used to work with recklessly driving a rigid truck into a shed ,

he leaves the truck running and in gear just jumping out the door .

the out of control truck is bouncing off the wall skidding and jerking around dangerously .

I tell him to turn it off and get back in , he is going to go along the wall side to the driver door ,

i can see this is no good as he is going to die getting squashed .

So he tries the passenger door , a short memory but i am sure this was not going to be successful either ,

the out of control truck bouncing around now is too dangerous .

Next thing i realize a class has started in the space , there are small children maybe around the age of 5?

they begin setting up in the school space which is apparently also in the space .

I become quite frantic , and begin throwing kids and their desks out of the way ,

shunting them across and telling people to bring awareness to what is going on .

Others then join in to help.

After every body has been saved there is a meeting , something like a health and safety meeting .

We sit and i find it strange that i would be blocked for speech although i am still moved by what happened so recklessly,

and the usual issue with peoples ignorance and unresponsiveness and inability to act in those situations.

Basically stupidity .

Next afterwards there is a man there we are in like a boarded floor loft in the upstairs open part up in the shed , part of the floor is missing at the

end ,

The guy is walking on boards which have spaces between them , and do not look very solid and bend  under his weight ,

I tell him to get back on the solid floor .

There is still an ongoing safety concern . He begins coming towards me , and then falls . I reach out and grab his hand catching him just to

hang on and after a bit of effort drag him back up onto the solid floor .


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #398 on: July 22, 2015, 08:14:27 PM »
Yesterday and maybe the day before , i have been hearing and feeling so many stories about where the pinch is being felt financially.

I keep hearing it as it becomes more obvious , and i wonder , at what point does such a squeeze kind of bottom out at the real hardship mark .

I can begin to answer that i suppose , as some are feeling it immensely already , and in this country i believe as every time i turn on the radio news

or speak to any body in business its the same thing happening . Rob from Peter to pay Paul kind of thing , except Peter is the poor person ,

at the bottom of the chain , the base volatility then is that of a wave as i see it , rising upwards 3 dimensionally to pay the head .

Yet the head has an insatiable appetite , and the base can only sustain the heads need so long and the strain on the poor peoples simple funds

which is now squeezed from so many directions is becoming leaner and leaner.

I have just awoken from a nap ,

In my nap I was dreaming in something like a library , behind a short type partition was a desk , at the desk sat the prime minister of Australia ,

Tony Abbot .

Now on the radio at the moment it is bad new for services and expenditure , jobs and global prices to buy goods , as with different demands

internationally and locally being cut , as with many other things it goes on and on .

In the dream i could see he was very stressed he was reading and perhaps working overtime exhausted . His hair was a little messed up and he

is looking like he could not find the answers to his dilemmas and stresses .

I ask him if every thing is ok , i tell him i am actually quite intelligent and will take a look at it and try if he likes perhaps i can help .

He seems so worn out and tired , Joe Hockey the treasurer is sitting with him too i think .

He seems to know something and can't find a way to deal with the problem . I suppose i make the initial sums and assumptions .

Collectively , a people may not be able to be lead financially out of their dark places , all of them .

Individually , a person can b e led by spirit to over come their own dilemmas .

Yet again , i point to the base and the insatiable thirst of the head of the wave to support it .

I also believe at this time this wave can be a beautiful thing , as the base can be less pulling upon it for imbalanced support ,

and more individual yet collective drive ,

and what does it mean individual yet collective drive ? as it sounds contradictory , it means that individuals make a balanced base when placed

correctly .

An individual with a balanced base can affect a collective solely  though an ability to be able to maintain two points in harmony , that of the head

and the base.

It feels so little people may be within such a state currently , and the added outward instability may muddy the impression when viewed

as collectively.

Even the small part though produces answers . They appear here and there for the greater good , like beacons among the dark path in dark


For both the individual and the collective . Solutions are universal.

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #399 on: July 22, 2015, 10:41:13 PM »
I have just awoken from a nap ,

In my nap I was dreaming in something like a library , behind a short type partition was a desk , at the desk sat the prime minister of Australia ,

Tony Abbot .

Now on the radio at the moment it is bad new for services and expenditure , jobs and global prices to buy goods , as with different demands

internationally and locally being cut , as with many other things it goes on and on .

In the dream i could see he was very stressed he was reading and perhaps working overtime exhausted . His hair was a little messed up and he

is looking like he could not find the answers to his dilemmas and stresses .

I ask him if every thing is ok , i tell him i am actually quite intelligent and will take a look at it and try if he likes perhaps i can help .

He seems so worn out and tired , Joe Hockey the treasurer is sitting with him too i think .

He seems to know something and can't find a way to deal with the problem . I suppose i make the initial sums and assumptions .

Collectively , a people may not be able to be lead financially out of their dark places , all of them .

Individually , a person can b e led by spirit to over come their own dilemmas .

Yet again , i point to the base and the insatiable thirst of the head of the wave to support it .

I also believe at this time this wave can be a beautiful thing , as the base can be less pulling upon it for imbalanced support ,

and more individual yet collective drive ,

and what does it mean individual yet collective drive ? as it sounds contradictory , it means that individuals make a balanced base when placed

correctly .

An individual with a balanced base can affect a collective solely  though an ability to be able to maintain two points in harmony , that of the head

and the base.

It feels so little people may be within such a state currently , and the added outward instability may muddy the impression when viewed

as collectively.

Even the small part though produces answers . They appear here and there for the greater good , like beacons among the dark path in dark


For both the individual and the collective . Solutions are universal.

Well bless you, runningstream, for finding compassion for Tony Abbott! That is a lonely road.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 11:13:22 PM by Nichi »
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #400 on: July 23, 2015, 10:40:11 AM »
That is funny that i never even thought of it ,

when i woke up they said on the radio how Aus had fared well during the global troubles comparatively and just generally.

So i suppose there is some strength in the fabric here , maybe diversification , like not having all the eggs all in one basket .

« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 12:21:00 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #401 on: July 29, 2015, 01:21:05 AM »

what to make of it ?

laying in hammock looking up at sky

what permeates the landscape

currently a walk of a comet like tail bearing shooting star

coinciding existence with a walking human not longer bound

shows it's face

spirit liking to be acknowledged

always likes one to follow

what else so much actually

waited for truck to deliver a steering box fitted one now

first attempt failed something happened that end

after everything lined up everything fell apart "timing"

then everything lined up again in timing

good people found along the way

friendly strangers

remembering how balanced walk gathers

chattering voices that don't know what they are saying on the side streets

because they think they know so they hear their own voices because they don't listen

now if they listened to spirit they would know regardless

no job here to accommodate the skepticism

alignments with spirit and visions of truth how could the liars know

true to the self ? everything seems to simple that way

like they got left in the slow lane and took the wrong turn

sadness very real

old times passed

the comet wants me to follow it again

trust or  would be the same listening to an old voice

trapped listening to my own genus

missing the wonder

things coming n order

survival backpack

set general direction and wait for spirit to flower up all the plans as usual

getting more than bargained for

keep plugging on

must be nice to come to terms with patience

age brings some thing wanted some things needed some things unwanted

some things staring you right n the face just not looking on the proper angle as usual and miss the boat

the moment brings them

turning the moment into a different time frame entering time

shifting speeds

« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 06:49:15 PM by runningstream »


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #402 on: July 30, 2015, 01:27:19 AM »
I don't know why but the words "Lions of rojava "

sounds like liquid in my mind when i hear it and upon my finger tips today although it kept popping in

i did not really focus towards those phrases 

i do not know much of them except that an australian guy has just died fighting with them against IS

so i read a piece here

and below quote from the page :

"This valued fight of our forces today has echoed widely throughout the entire world, and has been of abundant hope and belief for freedom-loving young men and women. For that, willing individuals from all around the world step forward to come to Rojava and be a part of this shared struggle of peoples. This assembly and reaching each other, defines well that humanity still lives with the same principles and purity. How hard determined unrighteous ones try, warriors who march taking those principles as value, are more resolute to let not the enemy forces a single opportunity"

As subjective realities go i also understand the consequences of actions of thought perhaps better than anyone .

For me the power of truth is unsurpassed , as a means of walking the path i mean .

That freedom universally transfers . Awareness there fore adds to the diet of the global mind . 

As for higher astral , yes i think that sums it up well . Truth causes choices in personal and global diet .

Feeling powerless and feeling to have power ,

power in from higher awareness "choices"

There is some heavy stuff about now .

There is also possibilities for something else . They take choices . Does any one make these choices ?

I have a new key board today

it has characters four times the normal keyboard

bright yellow letters i can read by the light of the screen alone

if any body would consider such a simple thing as changing keyboards

i would recommend the feeling that comes from such color

drab black does it dance like this one oh no !

I kid you not

and the press of the new yellow key pad is splendiferous

the predecessor would click so abruptly with a sharp crisp mechanical clack

yet the new one is soft and delightful !

the new yellow big lettered key pad which want's to sing a bright song only cost $3.49

bargains have a way of making me feel lucky

who's big conservative and monotone view was it to make all these things black initially

any how when it is significantly obvious to any body who would look that such things go much deeper into view


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #403 on: July 30, 2015, 01:48:01 AM »
now what else

I have found another bargain

after checking out and not buying led lighting strips to run off twelve volt batteries as the price was rediculous in camping type shops

i have discovered electrical wholesalers

instead of around a hundred dollars i got them for fifteen dollars a meter and they are really bright

also cheap shops "dollar shops" are a wonderful spout of inspiration to have things in order

and i have found 9 hour tea light candles

glad to say the steering has been replaced too

so basically a fluid feeling keypad with i in tact

steering in the right direction

and light has been brought upon the subjective reality

there were some clouds around today

i watched the people

i already had a feeling that they would be a little seedy and different in that weather

i saw a grown man and his woman buy an x box game station looking very stoned

they then ordered a taxi !

seemed strange because i believe such things would be expensive

i looked into peoples eyes

a couple people look back without flinching

there are modest reasons for some things

intentions which are just to see

some might be taken as something else you know

like a lusty interlude

or a threatening display

like the stoned guy

i left his paranoid eyes alone

or the op shop girl

i hope she did'nt get the wrong impression

checking things off lists feels good

things start out simple then become complex and loaded again

this time i am going to try and keep it in check

and balanced so it does not spiral into immense growth followed by immense deterioration over time or overly needing maintaining

the survival back pack is really coming along after a couple weeks of hunting for items

and i will say hammocks are possibly one of the most wonderful things on the planet too

crocodile dreams persist still

probably because there are real crocodiles around

a good idea not to become complacent

here we have this wonderful coastline and land where so many things can kill us or injure

i am considering staying out of the creeks altogether and going the option of a kayak in the open water

without motors and boats trailers etc

i believe more intimate the connection

my only reservation is if needing to go somewhere by my own yet being injured

careful choices and careful actions

it really is a wild scenario


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #404 on: July 31, 2015, 01:22:38 AM »
it is important to be honest about the issues

like the lights

perhaps i have more light than i require now

only one meter is extremely bright

perhaps it is placement of lights that is important

after being used to such high energy costs it takes my eyes a moment to adjust

to the possibility that these lights will be using so little power

and costing nothing to run by the sun

if i reach a place inside myself to ask these questions

where every thing is still and hold it can i maintain such determined focus


perhaps i hardly have a question to ask

perhaps it is the feeling inside that wants to question its appearance

or perhaps it met outside

and what came first the chicken or the egg

perhaps one egg became two miosis

then four six and where did odd numbers come from i guess those eggs did not divide

a person always says "don't try to re invent the wheel "

so i began to think about that

it sounds silly yet could probably be improved :)

i get so used to having people around

and then they are gone

even ants make good company

not as good as say dogs

every body is so grown up and i am still a child

yet i would not change it for anything

no i do not get lonely that much

i am too busy stacking eggs most of the time

i do miss the good parts of the people i miss

reality and nostalgia

dreams seem to be all about depth

depth content and the like

some dreams are dumb and almost robotic and weird because of how slow

some are overly complex yet lack smoothness and sense

there is another word where every thing must have depth make sense

appropriate speed


making things full filling in feeling

where complexity meets timing

timing meets depth

suspension on those strings

that dream



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