i do not care what others think of what i think too much at all
it would be a mistake to run with that ball
only learning
and i side with a kind of directness and will purposefully not digest sleights
which direct glancing blows
it pretty obvious which cue directness
which is complimentary
i always find it curious when others misrepresent another and run with the ball
i imagine fame would be horrible
i will give you an example of truth
perhaps somebody looks at you at an intimidating glance "supposedly"
the reaction to be taken bodily may be withdrawl
yet another face is taken
it is honesty
awareness means to not close off
"for example purposes" also speech , natrural motion etc ........
if this truth is followed long enough expansion occurs
expansion of entire being
i don't know it just always seems to want to expand out and then contract back
in the circumstances i speak of the human element comes into play
the bindings of two or more beings at play causes possibilities on "greater " levels of awareness "being " ;entire
so in the case of awareness
direction of travel of being becomes paramount