Author Topic: Story sake  (Read 5448 times)


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #330 on: April 05, 2015, 04:48:40 AM »
some could speak their tongues without fear

those who held onto truth

those who's image did not offend the senses

in time they were held steady

truth that did not offend

and offend what ?  truth of course


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #331 on: April 05, 2015, 04:55:14 AM »
something came

like a candle that went behind a cloud

a lot of posturing


like a snake that swallowed the sun

it was only a matter of time

that the sun showed her head again

those selves complete both sides of the earth and sky

written on both

just a boy who tried

nothing else

else ears unable to hear

what now sky father earth mother

where will we walk together on the grass

i'm listening  now

a clear way

codes are coming


deals being made

everything in perfect timing


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #332 on: April 07, 2015, 01:07:34 AM »
don't mind that i am sitting in the corner talking to myself about a circle been created in an infinite alignment

its just that i hold the words in the correct direction which is the importance to that cause

those directions are nothing really compared to the immediacy pertaining to the reminder tabs being placed on the fridge

of this birds ascent

it holding fast to the wind

really having been bodily slowed down by the knee issue has finally began to build up

not in some emotional distaste so much as a volcanic need for motion

i found myself without friend again

not that i needed them so strongly as found them where they were

that without the freedom of my body

i had no body to drive me some where

i have loose ends


like going to get soap

or pulling my own weight

small things

steel wool

i went to the supermarket a couple times now

how exciting

also i have a health care card !

time to stock up on medicines while the price is six times below what it normally cost


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #333 on: April 07, 2015, 01:12:46 AM »
i had this dream tonight

and my sleep is all over the place

largely because of the initial aches and pains

having reverted almost 180 degrees which i admit i do really feel an inclination towards

at least half way

any way back to the dream

petaining to the two visions happening at once as i already shared

that is how i dreamed

except in one speed it is an awareness of all the worlds problems

in the next of a vision of being aware of it and my trying to merge the two

in a cohesive manner

to fix them together as a task


again none might understand the dreamer who dreams the world although some here might

my life is like this

sequences of dreaming movement

of meaning and purpose

not for my own benefit alone but for that of the world

i am pulling them together in everything i do

for every body

it is the strangest thing

realigning the past to the present in a "birth"

some what a burden

yet only when i seem to stand still


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #334 on: April 07, 2015, 03:59:51 AM »
i am interested in don Juan's

core stance

the path with heart

no matter where one is standing




old age

he has the ability to tickle words from people


i mean we could traverse the fields of perception

unifying them all in such a manner

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #335 on: April 07, 2015, 04:14:23 AM »
i had this dream tonight

and my sleep is all over the place

largely because of the initial aches and pains

having reverted almost 180 degrees which i admit i do really feel an inclination towards

at least half way

any way back to the dream

petaining to the two visions happening at once as i already shared

that is how i dreamed

except in one speed it is an awareness of all the worlds problems

in the next of a vision of being aware of it and my trying to merge the two

in a cohesive manner

to fix them together as a task


again none might understand the dreamer who dreams the world although some here might

my life is like this

sequences of dreaming movement

of meaning and purpose

not for my own benefit alone but for that of the world

i am pulling them together in everything i do

for every body

it is the strangest thing

realigning the past to the present in a "birth"

some what a burden

yet only when i seem to stand still

Dreaming for self and for the world... I like that. I always hesitate to extend my own dreams to the world, but it doesn't hurt to stay mindful of the possibilities. Even if they do have application for everyone, one still must remain true to Self, though. With that approach you can never go wrong. You begin to see many layers in your dreams - the one for you alone, and the one which might extend outward.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #336 on: April 07, 2015, 04:26:33 AM »
yes a unique spark in the water

i pit this self against the world with my truth

that i will go the way that is mirrored in the sky

that yields fruit

each body member containing equal measure !

this way the heart can touch itself inward and outwards

i yearn to burn

i want to set the water on fire


i want to stand firmly in the fire

and touch it unafraid

until the sacred rain pours into my entire being

my soul full again and again

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #337 on: April 07, 2015, 04:32:38 AM »
You are brimming with poetry, runningstream.
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #338 on: April 07, 2015, 04:35:37 AM »
yes its coming out my ears since i was young Nichi

also , i sometimes write in columns and am not aware their purpose

like the artist obituary

i hope no body/you ,  minds too much i don't realize those things separate function

hope it does not disturb any body too much .

apologies in advance and retrospect

Offline Nichi

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Re: Story sake
« Reply #339 on: April 07, 2015, 05:02:29 AM »
Poetry doesn't bother me, RS. I've been known to stroke a poem or 2 in my time. Not so much lately, but my muse does pop through at times, even in normal writing.

Your muse is all over your writing.  :)
Not here, not there, but everywhere - always right before your eyes.
~Hsin Hsin Ming


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #340 on: April 12, 2015, 12:25:23 AM »
owen wilson was there

the quintessential playboy

again the vision and the knowing running over the top


my stance is less than play boy

i can tell you about love

only it wont make sense that way to you

i can tell you about dreams then i will dream away

i can tell you about leaving a part of you behind

and wondering why it feels less full

then finding it again and reengaging that wisp knowing love and the object are perfect untill they find difference

or indifference


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #341 on: April 12, 2015, 12:31:04 AM »
big fire happening

many things get done

sleep returning to more normal times

i watch the birds in the morning now

the small ones who fly together in bursts of movement together

the willy wagtail who comes and sits on the blind to say hello

the mudlarks who name seems funny with their meep meep

and sushi barking all night at the curlews and the plovers having a rest

as shes on a holiday


big strong dreaming on the earth

coming its coming

every growing pain seems to make sense

why every thing would not at the time

and at the time why the cogs begin to turn again

its ok to ask for some help

from my double ? am i my double

it just sounds funny to be connected by intent

i am gods child

connected to so much


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #342 on: April 12, 2015, 09:10:16 PM »
today i have bitten off more than i could chew

so i am learning about progressive healing

being over enthusiastic has set me back with an ice pack

and some pain killers

i did get many things done

we even rescued a snake that had gotten stuck half way through the bird cage wire

that's how the day began with a a surprise phone call

even the dog had a sore foot today

and here i was this morning running off half healed up

there is a fine line

pain wants to tell me something

i was looking at a graph as it was being explained

too much one way and we negatively regress

to much the other way and loss of function through under doing it

who am i to be tough when tough is synonymous with stupid

pain seems like a natural part of life

i do wonder about masters of chi who go around floating on clouds and

perfectly deliberating every step energetically

perhaps ringing bells every few seconds to stay awake and in tune

not i

i dream of not being eaten by a crocodile as i watch the water for the next fish

and camp fires

simple earthy pleasure

just dreaming to the next place

of course getting there might not meet expectations however that is met with new and changing circumstances


i don't think ringing bells will help

unless its a "you are about to do something stupid" alarm bell too

except one thing

"words are powerful" and another " truth " is "light " is "way"

and together some thing like incarnation

a flower that blooms in time

both imperfect and perfect at the same time somehow


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #343 on: April 23, 2015, 11:00:29 PM »
this space i can handle

i am dreaming well i believe a sense of well being

fish were jumping every where i am happy such a healthy river

maybe hundreds of mullet

i don't mind that they don't eat the bait

some small birds i associate with shrew "i don't know their names"

play with grass as though they are really doing something in a shrub near by

i have not slept so comfortably since i can remember

the smell of fire

getting things neat in small scale feels great after a large spread

sushi loves her bed

love takes on many forms

the spirit loves to find space to fly i believe

like bird above mountain

looking down

nothing holding to anything hardly

just eyes seeing and feeling

holds for a moment

nests are cosy too

pause and flight

like the "shrew"

i don't know what chases the fish

maybe excitement

other birds fly high watching them

braminy kites


they don't come down though i am sure it catches their eye in excitement


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Re: Story sake
« Reply #344 on: April 28, 2015, 11:06:30 PM »
the patterns come through the water

individual patterns

collective patterns

unlocked potentials

ignorance resides in these things

that the individuals might become collective

unlocking each others potentials

not like locking each others potentials through a sort of

enigmatic seeing exclusivity

snow blind

many rivers to the ocean

both inside and


words undo existence and then appear again

only to tame the same muse

music comes from many points at once

interpretation systems differ

song is one

unlocking song

circular song

closed song

selling song




infinite song

unionous song

seeing is not one but it is many

song is not one but it is many

things go on for ages

because no body wants to hear that song

detached to sing

not to not sing

sing sing singing

ill keep singing

even when i can't hear the ringing

just to know you are here and there

bouncing the sylables through the air

i begin to even read in song lately 


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